Here's an interesting article that I found on BBC World... Kudos to the All Girl Squad from India!!! I wish them all the best in their endeavor to establish peace!!!
This World meets the first all-female unit of United Nations peacekeepers, who have been based in Liberia for six months
Do women make better soldiers, especially in war torn countries? As a trial, the UN recently deployed a unit of Indian women to be the first ever all-female peacekeeping force in the West African country in Liberia. The women are part of India's Central Reserve Police Force, and were hand picked from across the country for this mission. They are experts in crowd control and veterans of many conflicts in India, including Kashmir and fighting in the north-east of India.
Conflict in LiberiaLiberia is recovering from 14 years of civil war during which child soldiers roamed the streets and sexual violence was common. Today the presence of thousands of peacekeepers keeps it stable, but rape is still a major problem.The UN is experimenting with all female units because female soldiers are seen as less threatening and more approachable in post conflict situations, where populations are recovering from years of violence and fear. In Liberia this is of particular importance because the country has experienced an epidemic of sexual violence against women. But will the presence of armed Indian women patrolling the streets empower local women, or will the culture shock the Indian women face - in their first visit out of India - stop them from interacting with local Liberians? This World accompanies the women on their mission. If they are a success, they could be the first of many women soldiers to wear the famous UN blue helmets.